
Instructions on making science operations reports/presentations for HET Board Meetings

Start with the previous report - these are saved as LibreOffice presentation files (.odp) and converted to PDF files to present at the meeting. The usual structure of these reports is:

  1. Title slide (I like to add an intriguing/unusual image of the HET)
  2. Staffing update (departures/additions/changes)
  3. Laundry list of recent improvements to science operations; preview of issues to discuss in more detail
  4. Those issues in more detail, e.g.,
    1. guider-measured transparency variations
    2. M1 segment reflectivity status
    3. Effects of M1 piston corrections
    4. Any significant issues with instruments
    5. ... etc; use your judgement
  5. Update the Operations Statistics for the appropriate time period
    1. usually something like 15-Nov to 15-May, or 15-May to 15-Nov, depending on how early you need to submit the report before the meeting
    2. Give current values and the last two board meeting reports
    3. Engineering time, weather loss, clear science time breakdown, setup/overheads/usage
  6. Update the "Clear Science Time" graph (supermongo code, or make your own with the data files clear_science_breakdown.dat and setup_times.dat
  7. Update the Monthly average setup times for all (three) instruments
  8. Update the VIRUS monthly average setup time graph (split by SETUPMETHOD)
  9. Same for LRS2
  10. Same for HPF
  11. Someday, same for HRS
  12. Update engineering+commissioning time allocated and time used (fairly simple lately with only an Operations allocation); can get these from trimester reports or program tabs in Hydra
  13. Update GTO time allocated and time used in each recent trimester. After HETDEX finishes, there won't be any. LRS2 completed GTO time in 23-1; HPF completed GTO time in 23-2; LIGO follow-up completed GTO time in 23-1.
  14. Update time allocated/charged to partners in two most recent trimesters (from trimester reports)
  15. Update program complete rates by priority in three most recent trimesters (from trimester reports), add explanatory notes when needed
  16. Update partner time balancing slide - use "time_charged" spreadsheet and latest data available. Include comments on approaches to deal with deficits/surpluses
  17. Update telescope performance statistics section (formerly provided by Jason Ramsey); now selecting only a few key indicators not every single metric from the HET upgrade design specifications
    1. delivered image quality:
      1. use --collect 20231101 for each date that doesn't have a data file in /data1/users/stevenj/iq/dat.
      2. then run --month 1 and --month 2 etc through 12
      3. then run --year 2023 and --year 2024 and any other years you've recently added data.
      4. then run --verify (slow, will collect all data in monthly/yearly summaries)
      5. then run --graphs to produce new graphs. These are useful for the Board Meeting presentation and are also used on Hydra page 51 of the documentation.
    2. pointing: Nathan's code generates these graphs, saved in /data1/archive/pointing; use the graph named something like 2023/2023CorrectionVsTime.pdf and label all known changes to the pointing
    3. guiding/focus residuals: Nathan's code generates these as well in /data1/archive/users/stevenj/metrology, and the plots are made by running
    4. tip/tilt residuals and DMI, same as guiding/focus residuals
    5. probe quality/health: check latest images stored in /data1/archive/users/stevenj/probe_health/, and generate more if necessary (see in that folder)
  18. Include list of planned updates to science operations; may be various tasks large and small
    1. I like to include a hyper-link to the trimester reports here, since those contain even more information than this report.
    2. Use your judgement - don't over-promise and under-deliver

Last modified 28 hours ago Last modified on May 19, 2024 5:37:36 PM